When reading any article or story, a student's ability to summarize what they have read becomes much easier when they are able to determine the "gist" of the passage.
Finding the "who, what, when, where, why, and how" of a story helps students with summarizing.
When writing a story, the author generally takes these basic pieces of information and adds details in order to create something interesting to read. When the reader is able to pull these facts out of the story, they can then retell the story in a short summary.
After summarizing a story, the reader has a better understanding of the purpose of the passage.
When I think about the GIST of God's story written throughout Scripture, it helps me understand His purpose and His plan.
Who? God
What? Creation and salvation of the world
When? In the beginning and then continuing until the end
Why? So that He could have fellowship with men and women who loved Him
Where? His universe, specifically the earth
How? His might, power, grace, mercy, and love-combined with His willingness to sacrifice His Son for our sins
Today we remember the climax of God's redemptive story.
The point at which the antagonist came face to face with the protaganist.
Since that day, all efforts by the antagonist, while cunning and evil, are in vain.
Victory has already been won by Jesus.
Now, the story has been handed to us. We have become the main characters in our own stories.
We know the truth.
We have a choice.
Accept Jesus or deny Him.
In the end, our story's conclusion rests on this one decision.
As you think about Good Friday and Easter weekend, please ponder the following questions.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
Have you accepted Him as your Savior by doing what those who accepted Him in the books of Acts did?
When asked, "What should we do to be saved?" Peter told the crowd in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
I am praying today for all of you who read this post. I'm praying that the decision to follow Jesus becomes the climax of your story if it hasn't already.
When we choose to die to ourselves and live for Him, sin and death lose their grip on us and we no longer face this world's struggles alone.
The GIST of Good Friday is this:
Jesus conquered death so that we could live forever.
Thankful that His story's climax can also be ours,