Reality "Check"

I just found myself scrambling between cleaning out the frig, straightening the pantry, starting a load of laundry, cleaning up lunch dishes, encouraging Olivia to straighten her room, and preparing to clean the bathrooms, when I realized, "I need to make a list of everything else I need to do today!" YIKES! Running to WalMart, emailing information about Nick's foundation to the board memebers as well as to the principal at his school, and the list goes on and on and on.......

The snow has arrived! There is no school today! And a snow storm is heading our way TONIGHT! So, my parents are coming tonight instead of tomorrow to visit us and go to a show in Ashland that was part of our Christmas gift to order to avoid driving in the storm!

Suddenly, my list of things "to do" became a little more urgent (and I am thankful!) because my time frame shrank from 24 hours to less than 12!

All the things I planned to do tonight, I want to get done TODAY!

As I was scurrying around feeling a little short on time, I had this nudge from the Spirit that said, "So, what do you still need to do for Me?"

See, in the busyness of what I already knew I had to do today, I had awoken this morning and begun the day by fixing pancakes instead of praying, by sending emails instead of reading God's Word....


This nudge from the Spirit became so strong that I left everything undone that I have started and came straight to my chair.........

Because my "to do" list should have started HERE.....

And my daily tasks need to be focused on my heart not my house.

This is a moment when I understand why Jesus scolded Martha. It wasn't because she was cooking or serving or cleaning....

It was because she didn't remember where to start.

At the feet of Jesus.

So, I'm vowing today to start every future "to do" list with JESUS! And I am praying that I am ready for His return....because when He comes there will be no "12-hour notice!" There will be a trumpet blast and then we shall see Him triumphantly appearing in the sky on His white horse surrounded by thousands of angels....

And every knee shall bow.

No more time to get ready. No more time to do "one more thing."
Desiring to be ready for that day and thankful for a nudge from the Spirit to set me on my way,


Blogger Sheryl said...

whew! i needed this. i've been reading a book, "crazy love" by francis chan and realizing that i need a heart that really chases after God. when i start my day without Him i guess that shows where my heart really is.

praying for you, friend!

Blogger Jennifer said...

What a blessing that you are able to hear His still small voice...even admist the busyness. The real problem comes when we are too caught up in the rush to sense those nudgings! A great reminder - and after the list is done (if it ever really is done) I pray you have a good week and a nice visit with your folks.

Blogger Tricia said...

What a great post! I have been reading your blog for a while, but have not commented... I do not remember how I came across it, but I love your transparency and your heart for the Lord, thanks for sharing what the Lord is teaching you!


Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak directly to me today. I too, got so busy this morning - too busy to take that precious time at His feet. I guess what I sometimes forget - is that I'm too busy not to spend time with Him. Without that time, my attitude is worse, the problems seem bigger - my patience - so much shorter. I knew that was what was wrong with me all day - but even then I didn't stop. I didn't stop until I got home exhausted, frustrated and defeated. I didn't even want to read over my devotionals - but that still small voice - that beautiful, patient still small voice.

You touch so many of us. We love and appreciate the way you share your heart and His Words!

Praying for you and your family and thanking God for you.
Woodstock, Georgia

Hi Tammy!

I was just going through some old posts of mine when I saw your name in a comment, so I popped over to see what you were up to.

So last post was about the exact same thing. Letting God be the author of my plans. I love the way you articulated it. Letting my to-do list start at His feet.

So good.

Have a wonderful snow day. We are having one too!

Oh my goodness...sweetie...I just popped over to Nick's website to see how he was doing and saw that he passed away in December. I'm so very, very sorry.

Please know I will be praying for you and your family during this time of profound grief. I lost my son too (1998), if you remember...and so vividly recall the first few months of raw, intense pain.

I just pray peace and comfort to you today and in the upcoming weeks and months.

I promise, if you hold onto God during this time, He will restore all your joy. I know, because I've been there.

Holding out hope on the other side of grief,

Blogger Jennifer said...

Hey sweet friend,

I've sent you a couple emails and and ecard...I just want to make sure I have your address correct. I am assuming you are getting them - but then again sometimes assuming can go wrong.

As long as you are getting them...okay. No rush or pressure to respond. Just know I'm praying for you daily. I haven't called because I need your number - SORRY!

I pray you are having a good week - an OK week, at least. Whenever you want or are up to it, you can give me a call. Love ya, friend.


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