When You Feel Weak, Go Anyway
The Lord turned to him (Gideon) and said,
"Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand.  
Am I not sending you?"

Judges 6:14

One thing's for sure.

God never "needed" the strength of any person to do what He needed to do.

If God decided to accomplish something, He didn't look for the biggest, the strongest, the smartest, or the bravest.

No, God seemed to look under all the wrappings of this world for the heart of a person.

The willingness to obey Him.............no matter the cost.

I'm rereading a book I read while Nick was fighting cancer.
This book about a man name Benaniah combined with my Bible reading this morning about Gideon has once again reminded me that I do not have to feel strong to be effective for God's work.

If He is with us, who can be against us?

I don't know what you're facing today, 
but remember this,

"When you are weak, He is strong."
(Paraphrased from II Cor. 12:9)

Live out of your weaknesses today, fully embracing His amazing strength.

When God is with you, nothing can be against you.
(Promise from Romans 8)

I love that God transcends time and space.

He is with us, beside, behind us, and before us.
He is in us, around us, over us, and under us.
He knows what we've already faced,and
He knows what we will face today.

He not only wants to handle all our doubts and fears but also use them to change the world around you.

Today, let go of whatever is holding you back.

Let God work out of your nothingness.

Give Him all you are not and trust Him to make you all you can be by His strength and power.

If you feel weak, GO ANYWAY!


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