Getting Monday Right........

Do you want to start this week with a good attitude and good spirit?

I sure do.

I want to get things right at work, at home, and with my friends.

I want to please God with the way I live.

It's easy to get caught up in all the dos and don'ts of life and beat yourself up for every little mistake you make along the way,

but I really don't think God intends for our lives to be that complicated.

I believe if we had the chance to sit with Jesus and talk to Him one-on-one about what is important for getting life right,

I think He would say the same thing to us today that He said 2,000 years ago.

When asked,

"Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"


This was His reply:


"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this:

'Hear, O Israel:

The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  

Love the Lord your God

with all your heart and

with all your soul and

with all your mind and

with all your strength.'

The second is this:

'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

There is no commandment greater than these."

Mark 12:29-31

When I take away all the expectations mankind has placed upon me and I focus on God's expectations,

I suddenly feel empowered for the right kind of Monday.

I'll do my best at work.

But the most important things I will do today are these two things:

Love God.

Love others.

If I can get the love part of life right,

I believe everything else will fall beautifully into place.


Take the stress out of your Monday.

Take the anxiety out of your week.


Shorten your to-do list to two things:


Love God.

Love others.


Take a deep breath about everything else in between,

and just do your best.


God isn't watching to see if you come up short, mess up, or disappoint Him.

He loves you with an unconditional, everlasting love.


When you wrap your mind around how much He loves you,

you will find it easier and easier to love Him back and then love those around you.


I'm praying for you today.

That your day will be filled with smiles, love, joy, and peace.


Yes, this world is a mess and life is hard.



knowing the One who makes all things beautiful in His time will make even the messiest Monday enjoyable.


I love you all. Smile


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for praying for me Tammy!

Anonymous Kim M said...

I needed this so much to day. Bless you dear sister <3

Blogger natalie said...

I wanted to thank you for your post on Friday. "Give thanks in all situations for it is His will."

Thank you for your prayers Tammy. I am finally starting to get it, not that I like my diagnosis, and maybe I was a little too proud to think that I could have it, I am learning to deal with it. I have learned that God is right in the middle of our crisis and we are not alone. I am more understanding of my students with anxiety and panic issues and what they are going thru.

I love you friend!

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