Scented Candles and Prayer

One of my favorite things to do after cleaning is light candles throughout our home,

filling every corner of every room with scents of autumn.

I love a clean house,

I love candles,


I love fall.

I also love when I read a verse in the Bible that gives me a personal glimpse of God as Someone who loves certain things too.



Psalm 141:21 says,

May my prayer be set before you like incense,

may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

Just as I love to walk into my home and breathe in the cozy scents of spices,

I believe God loves to breathe in our prayers.

How differently would we approach our times of talking with God if we viewed them as cozy, warm, and inviting to Him?

He longs to hear from us.

He breathes in our words and is pleased.

He sees our out-stretched hands as evening sacrifices.

When is the last time you lifted both hands towards Heaven?

It's a humbling experience and can feel unnatural,

but there's something powerful about this small act of worship.

What if our world was filled with people praying and lifting their hands towards Heaven?

Can you even imagine the aroma of Heaven in moments like that?

Let's fill Heaven today with sweet scents as we lift prayers and our hands toward Him who loves us most

Have a happy Monday.


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