How to Overcome..........

We're studying the book of Revelation in Sunday school right now using Beth Moore's DVD series.

If you want to get excited about the end times, I highly recommend ordering this study and doing it at home or with some friends.

Yesterday, we were reading in Revelation 12, and I was brought to tears as Beth talked about verse 11.

How do we overcome Satan?

Listen to this:

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;

they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Beth talked in great detail about how the devil's biggest weapon is death.

If he can make us fear it or overtake us by the loss of someone through it, then he has one a huge battle.

So, when we can take death and turn it around by the word of our testimony because of what Jesus did on the cross, then we have overcome him!

I don't know about you, but that's all I needed to hear yesterday to feel a great victory in my heart!

Not that I'm not sad in my mommy heart.

Not that I don't feel down sometimes.

But I do know this!

Nick was healed through death and he is waiting for us in Heaven!

And there is nothing the devil can do to keep me from loving God even in my grief.

I love you all so much!

Have a great Monday!


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