Why "thank you" is important.........

I have a lot of "thank you" notes to write this summer.......

Not because of a party where I received lots of gifts.

Not because a group of people came and moved a piano; although a group did come and do that for me several years ago, and I'm pretty sure I never wrote a note of thanks about that day.

I am so sorry!

It meant the world to me, Anita! Thank you for organizing the team of helpers that day. Watching six men heave a piano up a flight of stairs was terrifying, hilarious, and meaningful all rolled into one.

But you knew, and I knew, that Evan needed a quiet place to practice his gift; and that day will forever stick in my mind as incredibly significant.

Even more than that, Anita, thank you for leading all of our boys on mission trips through the years.

I give you and Ron so much credit for each of our sons' love for adventure, attitude of fearlessness, excitement about traveling, and heart for reaching people who do not know Christ as their Savior!

Those are the kinds of thank you notes I need to write.

Notes that simply express to many of my friends and family how much it means to me that they have just "been there" for me and my family through the years.

It's easy to assume that the people we love know how much we appreciate them, but there is something amazingly powerful about penning your thoughts so that these special people can realize that they matter, that their presence in your life has changed you; and that without them you (and possibly your entire family) would not be who you are today.

Those are the kinds of notes I want to write this summer.

And my list is long...........

What if everyone who reads this blog entry decides to mail ten thank you notes a month for three months to friends and family who have made an impact on their lives?

If 150 people read this, that could result in nearly 5,000 thank you notes being written! Who knows how these notes could change the lives of those who read them!

I know I have many more than 30 people to thank!  I am willing to sacrifice some of my time to let them know how much I love them!

How about you?

Could you sacrifice a little time and commit to writing 10 thank you notes a month for three months?

Saying "thank you" shows honor.

God longs to hear those words from us too.

Psalm 50:23 says,

"But giving thanks is a sacrifice that

truly honors me."

So on a much greater scale, try writing a "thank you" note to God.

This can sometimes be a painful experience, because there are parts of life that seem impossible to visit with words of thanks.

I promise you this, though, if you start writing and allow your heart to creep towards the painful parts of life with a spirit of gratitude, God will notice.

He will hear you.

He will see your sacrifice of praise.

He will be honored.

And I believe, you will be blessed in return.

My challenge today is this:

Choose thirty people who have impacted your life (teachers, friends, family, neighbors, friendly grocery store employees, and on and on).  Begin writing your thank you notes today.

And at the same time, begin writing the most life-changing thank you note ever,

Your personal note to God.

There's something extra-powerful about watching those words slip from your heart to paper.

Try it.

And let me know how it goes.

Email me at tammynischan@yahoo.com or leave a note here on my blog anytime.  I read them all!

Thankful today for all of you who read my words and hopefully journey closer to His Heart!


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