Summer Blogging.........

I'm realizing very quickly that my whole schedule has been turned upside down since I don't have to be out the door at 7 a.m.

Mornings are much less structured and it seems that something is always going on around this house.

I have decided to transition to evening blogging so that I can have the quiet time I need to focus.

I don't think I've ever had a busier school year, so my house is screaming for some attention.

I'm trying to move from room to room without becoming irritable which has not worked so far. Sad smile

I'm really not sure how roller blades ended up in the living room and some type of spider nest took over the back of our TV.

I can't figure out why dog leashes were in the same basket as a roll of toilet paper.

I am wondering how there are any trees left ANYWHERE on this planet when there are so many stacks of paper in our house alone.

I'm going to tackle the family room now.

Without moving, I already see bongo drums, ping pong paddles, and golf balls.........

Until tonight,


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