Christmas in Heaven

(You'll have to pause my blog music to hear this beautiful song that Janet just shared with me. Janet lost her only son, Zach, three years ago.
Christmas just doesn't get easier. But Heaven does get closer!!
Thankful that Nick has precious friends to share Heaven with like Zach, Andrew, Natalie, Tyler, Mallory, Adrienne, Colby, and so, so many more.......)

Christmas in Heaven. I simply can't imagine the beauty they are beholding!


Blogger Rose said...

Thanks for sharing! My mother-in-law passed away just two months ago and I was thinking some of these same things about her Christmas this year. Love you Tammy!

Anonymous VIOLETA said...

My dear ,

my heart will always be with the mothers who lost children, sisters who lost a brother, and brothers who have lost a sister.
Yes ,Tammy the heaven is full of beauty and joy for them, they are with our Father heavenly now this Christmas .
What more precious thing we want than to be with to be the Father in Heaven!!!
Love you,

Blogger Rebecca said... wonder you're thinking about colors in Heaven! As soon as I read your comment on my post ("more intensely white") I came here and see we HAVE met before - I was here on the Christmas tour and wept and "wondered" at the grace of God in your life!

It's no coincidence that our paths have crossed, I'm sure. What a winsomely beautiful song this is!

Blogger Unknown said...

It is with tear stained checks that I write these words. That song was so difficult to hear and yet so comforting at the same time. My husband came to listen and he cried also.
Although I started blogging last year as I tried to find a way to survive the unbearable pain I experienced from losing Jon, I still don't write that much about him because it is still just too painful. You see, I never got to say goodbye, Jon died of an overdose while celebrating with his friends, I received the phone call at 4am and I still do not answer the phone that often.
He was a wonderful fun loving guy with struggles and trials like all of us. But I was his hero, he loved his Mom. Three months before his death he was struggling through a relationship where drugs were prevalent and he called me and said he was through with it what should he do? I said Go back to church get right with God and miraculously he did. He went to David Wilkerson's Church in Times Square NY. He said he went up to the altar and cried like a baby did I think it was God? I said I know it was God the Great Pardoner for all mankind!! As a mom, I am glad that I raised my children to know the Lord because when Jon was grown he didn't depart from it. I only saw him once after that but I talked to him regularly [He lived 6 hours from us]One of my last conversations was when he couldn't come for a visit on Columbus weekend but when asked if he would be there for Thanksgiving his comment was "Mom, you know I'll be there for Thanksgiving!" he didn't make it.
This last 14 months has been an incredible journey through the depths of my own soul and only the Lord has been the life line, sometimes I wonder why He didn't give up on me as I have been without hope so many times, but our God is so faithful!
One thing in my life is certain more than ever, I want to make more of a difference for the Kingdom of God! Life is short, time is fleeting, people are priceless, and relationships are worth rebuilding no matter the cost.
I know this is lengthy and I am sorry, I read most of your blog, visited Nick and cried a few more tears. Tears of hope though as we continue our walk with the Savior headed toward heaven and bringing as many as we can with us on our journey.
God Bless You this holiday season with more of His Light and Love!!
Your Sister in Christ, Meg

Blogger Cheri said... is perfect.

Blogger Susan said...

How beautiful...

I can only "imagine"...

One day we'll know!

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