Early Morning Revival.......

early morning

An early morning revival.

Have you ever needed one?

I need one every day.

Problem is, sometimes I try to start the day other ways.


Getting things done on my list of things to do.


Doing laundry.

Or whatever seems to be pressing on my mind or in my life.

But the truth is this:

The only days that turn out somewhat "good" are the days that begin with an early morning revival.  I don't mean "good" in the sense that everything goes my way.  I mean "good" in that I know I'm not alone.  I've invited Him to walk with me instead of trying to walk alone.

So, today I chose to start my day with Him.

And in the darkness of the morning with just Him, I was reminded that being content in a worldly sense is not true contentment.  And I learned that my love for Him needs to be a crazy kind-of love.  I discovered that feeling like I have "enough God" should  not be my goal, but longing for "more of God" should be my heart's desire.

So, today, I start my day in awe of Him Who loves us all with an extremely crazy love and Who offers a contentment the world can't provide.

And while I know that knowing God is enough, I want to know Him more and more and more.........


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