Erich's Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erich got home from Africa two weeks ago!!!!!!!!!!!  Loaded down with lots of pictures and a few souvenirs.  It's so good to have him back.  He learned so much and had so many great experiences! 

I am so thankful he was able to have this opportunity!

He's already been to Nashville since coming back (to visit Mallory his girlfriend) and he's now back in the dorm ready to start his senior year in nursing school!  Wow!  The last four years have flown by!

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Erich brought all of the boys a gift!  Nice, super-sharp knives!  Thanks, Erich!!birthday and sleepover 004  Evan was trying to decide which one he liked the best.

 birthday and sleepover 006  Honestly, they all look scary to me.  Dangerous, really!

What is it about guys and weapons????

Anyway, as I was looking through my pictures this morning and came across these I couldn't help but think of how the Bible is referred to as living, active, and sharper than a two-edged sword!

If you think about it, the Bible contains some pretty scary and powerful words.  It has the power to open up the deepest parts of our soul and either convict us, comfort us, inspire us, or simply make us feel loved.

I love the Bible even though many things in it still confuse me and make me have more questions.  Truthfully, I don't know what I'd do  without the Words it contains.

As I venture into Saturday, I just wanted to say that I'm praying that all of you will "take the risk" and open your Bibles sometime today and see what God has on His heart for you.

Thankful for you and for Him,


Blogger Jennifer said...

How did he fly home with all those knives!?!? Reminds me of a CRAZY story about me, my mom and trying to travel with a pack of knives as a gift!! Not pretty. So glad your Erich is home!

That's exactly what I thought! I really don't know. Maybe carry ons can have whatever.....still kind-of scary! :)

Love you!

He probably checked them...I used to work in airport security and this Sikh (a religion) guy tried to carry on a bag full of swords...HAHA!!! We had him check them...and that is fine! That was before 9-11...I was in you have the link to his pictures Tammy? I tried to find them on CMF's webpage but couldn't...Love ya!

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