Happy 22nd Birthday, Erich...all the way in Africa...we miss you!

Tim and I called Erich at midnight last night to wish him a happy birthday.  We woke him up!  It was only 6 a.m. in Kenya.

He sounded good though!

He's having a wonderful experience in the clinic there and has learned so much about medicine, illnesses, and the language of the people.

Today as I scurry around getting ready for Nickapalooza, my "little buddy" Erich will be in my heart.... (ok, he use to be my little buddy)


I'm whispering a prayer for all of you who visit here today.that your days are filled with the joy that can come only from the Lord.  One of the lead singers from a Nickapalooza band shared thise verse with me the other night,

"The joy of the Lord is my strength."

He then went on to explain that without the joy of the Lord we become weak and more open to the devil's attacks...as the devil is roaming around "seeking" whom he may devour.  He preys on the weak.  The strong have the joy of the Lord.

I have struggled the last few weeks with joy.

It was so good to hear these words from Joe.  Thank you, Joe!  They truly blessed me!

i pray they bless your day too.

With love and thanks for all of you,


Blogger Jennifer said...

You know....I've never really thought of Joy as giving me strength?? How did I miss such a simple truth? I'm printing that verse out!!

Have a JOY-filled Monday....no, a joy-filled week!! Hugs, friend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your blog last week and it has been so inspirational for me. It has given me so much food for thought and I do so appreciate it. Joy in the Lord will be my model for strength. Thank you and I know I will visit again probably daily. God bless you and the love you have for Him. Sandy from MD

Joy...it is interesting to think about...I praise the Lord for joy at times when I KNOW it is the only thing keeping me sane...God is sooo good! AND...I love the pic of you and Erich! PRESH!

Blogger Charlotte said...


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