When Something's Got to Give

You've been there, haven't you?

Have you ever reached that place where the stuff of life has piled up so high you are unable to see the next thing coming?

Your to-do list is longer than the number of hours in your day.


Expectations are unreachable.

Life's demands seem to exceed your physical ability.


What to do you when you reach the moment when the words,

"Something's got to give," come out of your mouth?


Sometimes I handle these kind-of moments with great responses like,

"Okay, what can I let go of today?"

"What can I put off until tomorrow?"

"How can I get help with this situation?"


Other times, I fail.

I have a meltdown.

I get angry.

I shut down completely and get nothing accomplished at all.


The reality is this:

We, as human beings, can only take so much.

We have limits.

We are not perfect.

We are not pieces of technology.

Even computers have limited space in their hard drive.


So, if you feel as if you are about to crack...

If you feel as if life is overflowing with things you cannot handle,

here's where I would start.


First, I'd sit down and tell God exactly how you feel.

Ask Him to take first place in your life and show you where you need to set healthy boundaries.

Then, I'd think about all the people in your life that you love.

The people who will truly be impacted when your life on this planet if over, and ask yourself,

"How can I be who I want to be to them FIRST?"

"How can I rearrange my life so that my priorities reflect my heart?"


These are tough questions to ask.


Sometimes they nudge you towards a career change or a move to a whole new location.

Sometimes they cause you to let go of things you love so that you can focus on the people you love.


But, I promise this:

You'll never regret asking these questions.

They filter out many aspects of your life that are causing you to feel as if you are drowning.

They re-center your life on the ONE thing that matters.


Don't look around and think,

"Surely I can handle this if so-and-so can handle this."

We are all created with different passions, different interests, different capabilities.


Be okay with your limits and be okay with setting them.


I've struggled with guilt most of my life for not being able to do everything asked of me.

But I've found that there is such freedom when I realize that pleasing God is all that matters.

And there's incredible joy knowing I am headed in a direction that brings moments of laughter and love with family and friends.


I haven't reached that perfect destination yet, but I know God is leading me closer to that place of peace day by day.


What questions do you need to ask yourself today?

Start asking them before you hear yourself saying,

"Something's got to give."


Psalms 37:5

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.

Psalms 55:22

Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

Proverbs 16:3

Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.


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