How God Uses Our Gifts Beyond our Wildest Dreams!

Last fall, Maria, who is like a daughter to us, was trying to figure out how to go home to Peru to visit her family for Christmas.

As we sat and talked with her about the cost of the trip, I had an idea.

I have a dear friend in Columbus whose husband travels frequently with his job, so I decided to just call her and ask if he happened to have any extra frequent flyer miles Maria might be able to have for this trip.

Pam quickly went to work, trying to help Maria get home to see her family.

While she was unable to collect miles for a ticket, she was able to rally her prayer group to do something even more unbelievable.

One day, about a month after talking with Pam, we received a certified envelope in the mail and in it was a check to not only cover Maria's travel expenses but also allow her to have some money on the trip for other things.


Pam, I want you to see what the generosity and love of you and your friends ended up helping to make possible in Peru at Christmastime!


Maria and her family decided to visit a very poverty-stricken part of their community and bring the love of Jesus and the spirit of Christmas to children who otherwise would have had nothing.





Over this open fire, they prepared the hot chocolate.


Children and adults waited for their treat.


Maria shared the love of God with them.

They took time to thank Him for his love.

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Children, who rarely get more than just what they need to survive waited for their yummy drink, something Maria says they never normally have the chance to enjoy.

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Toys were purchased for each boy and girl.


A Christmas party was created just for them!


Maria handed out the gifts!






And all of the children said, THANK YOU to people in America they will never meet this side of Heaven.




If you support mission work of any kind, this is what your gift can do for a world that needs to see and hear and feel the love of God.

Thank you, Pam and all of your friends who gave Maria a beautiful Christmas.

And thank you for allowing her to then give a beautiful gift to all of these precious children.

One day, I want to go hug them all.

Thankful today for the way God uses our gifts to one person to become gifts to so many more.


Now he who supplies seed to the

sower and bread for food will also

supply and increase your store of

seed and will enlarge the harvest of

your righteousness.

II Cor. 9:10


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