Remember Who's On Your Side...

Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise-
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?

This week our district is going through a state audit.

Nerves are on edge.

Evidence waits in notebook after notebook to "prove" that teachers and staff have been doing everything they can to provide quality education to the students here.

When I think about this week in light of the Old Testament history surrounding the tabernacle and the preparations required for God's presence to enter it,

I have to smile.

How has man reached a place where "man" makes us so nervous???

Our goal should be to please God daily.

Out goal should be to purify ourselves so that we provide within ourselves a place for Him to dwell.

Our goal should be to cross the finish line one day and hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Yes, we want to do our best at our jobs.

Yes, we want to "do everything as unto the Lord."

But, fear?


I don't think this week is a week to be afraid of an audit.

I don't think any day is a day to be a afraid of being observed.

We won't be perfect in any man's eyes.

There is always room for human opinions to differ.

However, we can be made perfect in God's eyes through His Son,


personally, that's the only perfection I care about these days.

So, today, if you find yourself feeling a little rattled, a little nervous, a little overwhelmed about this week,


Take a deep breath.


Moral man can do nothing to you.


Put your trust in God.

Do not be afraid.

God's got your week covered in His Presence.

Lean back in that knowledge and have a great Monday!



Anonymous Karen said...

Hi Tammy, thanks for the truth you shared with such encouragement. It's hard to focus on pleasing God in this world that begs for our good - sometimes it seems- perfect performance. I too often go to bed feeling good if I've accomplished a lot of "to-do" stuff and feel rotton and down if I haven't. Yet I know this is not how God views me or wants me to view myself. Thanks again. Looking forward to spending more time on your blog and getting to know you! Karen

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