Maura's Gift and a Homemade Give-Away!

a teacher shared this idea at a teacher training I was at recently, I knew I had to try and make one for my sister-in-law who will soon be having her first little bundle of joy!

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Using wire, beads, a charm, and necklace supplies from Michaels........

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I created a little bird nest........

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And added a bird charm........

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to make this necklace.

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I wanted to share the idea with you as a possible Christmas gift for a family member or friend.

I also wanted to offer a little give-away, because I know it's been awhile since I have done that.

Topsy Keeran won the Karen Kingsbury book, and I forgot to post the winner when she did!

Since then, I have received a few things to rewiew, and I will be sharing about them and offering a give-away very soon!

Until then, I wanted to offer this homemade give-away from me to you!

When I step outside of my self and do something for someone else, it always makes me feel a little better!

Post a comment telling me how many pink eggs and how many blue eggs you would need in a bird nest for either you or a family member, and I will pick a winner from the posts and announce NEXT FRIDAY!

Please include your email address so I can contact you!!

Have a happy, happy Friday!

I love you all!


I wish I could make each of you a necklace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration to me and I marvel at the many ways you are involved in helping others. I would need two pink eggs in my bird nest.
Think of you often.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a cute necklace that will be treasured forever.

Blogger Unknown said...

That is such a lovely necklace I love those nest type necklaces. I would need two blue and two pink but since all mine have flown the nest I will say one blue one for my son and daughter - in- law.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would need three pink beads. Love and miss you all.

Blogger TPartyRacist said...

Such a cute necklace! 2 blue and 1 pink

Anonymous Michelle Glover said...

I would need 1 pink egg for my daughter, Kylee and 1 blue egg for my son, Jesse...I love the son, Jesse, has always found bird nests outdoors and brought them home to me. My eggs could also represent my 3 yr old Jayden and his baby sister, Abigail, who will be arriving in March.
I love you...I feel so blessed to have you as a friend
~Michelle Glover

Blogger Kara said...

1 blue (so far) :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are too cute! I would need 1 pink egg and 2 blues (I just had my 2nd son 3 weeks ago)!
:) Angie

Blogger Tera said...

I would need two pink eggs in my nest for my special gifts, Lilly and Caroline.You are awesome! Love you!


Anonymous Dana Franks said...

I am going to make one for Cindy. Her and Rob have about finished their classes for adoption. We might have a baby by Christmas!!! Keep them in your prayers!!! Love to all!!!


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