When You're Anxious........

Life is filled with moments worthy of anxiety.

Stressful home situations, stressful jobs, health problems.............

I've had many anxiety-filled seasons in my life.

Seasons that seemed as if they would last forever.

I remember vividly the hours spent in different doctor's offices and hospitals with Nick waiting for news, waiting for surgeries to begin and end, waiting for chemo to start.

I remember clearly the feelings inside me as I sat by the phone waiting for a doctor or Tim to call with an update.

I remember Nick's last few weeks of life and can still see images in my mind that bring back memories so painful that I have to immediately think of something else or the anxiety rises again.

I also have present-day reasons for anxiety.

Not as severe, not as personal, but still difficult.

Parental anxiety, teacher anxiety, and the list goes on and on...........

Even the anxiety of my friends and students can cause me to feel anxious as I long to help them but often have no easy solution for their problem.

Life has a way of handing us challenge after challenge.

What do we do when we feel anxious?

I am so thankful that God included the word "anxiety" in the Bible and that He knew it was an emotion we WOULD experience.

I Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

This verse is one I carried in my purse in a notebook throughout Nick's journey with cancer.

I still cling to it today in my grief and in my day-to-day life.

I love to envision a fisherman fastening all of his anxiety onto a hook and casting the line far out into the sea.

Then, instead of reeling it back in, simply letting go of the pole and allowing the water to carry his anxiety away.

Today, if you are feeling anxious.

Don't feel guilty,

as if your faith is weak.

Simply know that God understands and He cares for you.

Cast your anxiety to Him.

Allow Him to carry it for you.

Lean back in His loving arms and know that He can handle all the things you cannot handle alone.

Praying for you all today,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Tammy. Praying for you today as well. Hugs, Sandy

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