Different Kinds of Seasons.......

After my surgery, I spent several days in bed.

Light doesn't pass through our bedroom window very easily, so mom made the most of what I had hanging on my wall to gently lift my curtain......

An old part of Grandpa's plow.

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For years this tool broke hard, dry dirt and surely lightened the load for Grandpa.

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If the tool could talk we'd probably hear stories of heat and rocks and other painful things it faced as it dove into the Oklahoma soil of Grandpa's farm.

Today it has a gentler purpose -

Helping light pass through my window.........

Helping brighten up my bedroom. more january 0002_resize If the tool could talk as it simply pulls back my curtain, we may hear stories of air-conditioning and simply "hanging around," and maybe, just maybe, we would sense that the tool doesn't feel like its purpose is quite so noble.........

But to me, the precious sight of Grandpa's plow hanging on my wall combined with the sweetness of how it allows light to peek through my window give me more than enough reason to whisper, "Thank you."

When I think of this tool possibly feeling anything but useful, I think of me and you and how so many times we feel this way too.

It is so important to remember that in life we will sometimes be called to tough seasons in life......

with pain that just about breaks us.

While other times our load is a bit easier, maybe even comfortable and air-conditioned.

Remember God uses both kinds of seasons if we allow Him too.

My prayer tonight is that no matter what season of life you are facing, you will allow God to use you.

II Timothy 4:2

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.

Eccl. 3:1

There is a time for everything,
   and a season for every activity under heaven:


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