We started a new college-aged life group this year after taking a couple years off while Nick was sick, so we decided to bring back our traditional Christmas gift exchange where everyone brought something that they didn't want anymore to "give away" as a gift.
It was so funny to watch the kids open their presents! I'm sure Matt is loving his new silk house plant!
And this basket will look so lovely in Megan's dorm room, won't it??
CJ is probably sipping his tea from India every morning before school.
Justin was so excited to get a jar of peanut butter!
Derek..what a combo. The Case for Faith and a Hannah Montana short story!!
Heath has been looking and looking for a pop can holder just like this!! Yeah!
Olivia was happy to find a stuffed animal in this blow dryer box!!!
But this little exchange below was my absolute favorite.
Notice Heath's face (the guy in blue) as Sarah opens her gift. He has secretly wrapped his roommate's (sitting at the other end of the couch looking shocked) favorite cologne to give away!
Heath is trying to look like he's not even aware that it's anything strange. Sarah is in on the joke and is trying to act so excited to have this great new cologne. Austin is totally in disbelief that Heath could be giving away something that isn't even his!
Just look at this face!!! By now, it is absolutely hysterical as Heath continues to stay calm and Austin sits in disbelief that his favorite cologne is in the hands of someone else. And Tyler (in the middle) knows what is going on and is trying not to laugh but struggling to hold it in!!! Austin still can't believe what's happening. And finally Heath fesses up..and gives Sarah something different from his pocket and returns the cologne to Austin!
We laughed so hard.
As I think about this whole evening and the spirit of Christmas, I can't help but think about what it means to "give our lives" to God.
Are we giving parts of life that don't really matter to us anymore...used up parts of us that we won't really miss?
Are we giving things that don't even cause us to feel as if we have sacrificed anything at all?
Or are we giving Him our all?
This Christmas exchange was just for fun.
Our life with God is serious business.
When we stand before Him one day, which we all will, how will we feel?
Like we gave Him our everything?
Hebrew 13:15-16
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
What am I sacrificing today in order to please Him?
My dear Tammy,
every perfect & good gift comes from up above from the Father, He makes everything beautiful in its time, for I know all things work together for the good in every area of our lives, Father knows best, as we wait on Him may our patience have is the perfect work that we would be lacking nothing in Christ, if a butterfly comes out of his cacoon before time it is not strong enough & does not servive, but in its time it is strong thriving & Beautiful. The LORDs timing is all good & right on time.
Love you , Tammy
Jam 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
Ecc 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Message for MARTHA from Violeta -Romania ,
Tammy was able to send money to us with WESTERN UNION . Please contact my sweet Tammy and she will let you know much more about that !
Thank you for you heart Marta and GOD bless you !
Other way to arrange help for the poors from here in Romania is my mail
and adress ;
What fun! I love seeing kids have a great time.
I'm so thankful the Western Union worked out!
If anyone wants to help, simply go to your Western Union station and they will explain how to get a transaction number.....from there it is very simple. You just need to get in touch with Violeta so she will know the portal number they give you in order to pick up the donation at her station in Romania!
It really was amazing!!
The boxes of clothes should arrive in the next few days!!!!
Much love,
Looks like you all had a fun night. I can't help but notice how quickly Olivia is changing. My daughter is that age as well and seems as if it happened overnight...here was this young woman. So sad sometimes how quickly life goes by. I pray I will start to cherish every minute.
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