God's love wrapped in a memory box..

adriennes angels and broken glass 020It seems that every day I receive news of yet another child who has been taken from this world much earlier than their parents would have ever dreamed possible...

cancer, murder, heart problems, car accidents, and the list goes on and on...

How do we face such dark times?

I know that for me it is a daily struggle to not grow weary and discouraged as I try to live a life of hope in spite of my grief.  Not a single day goes by that I do not find myself longing to be with Nick, yearning to hear his voice in the other room, wanting to see his smiling face pop around the corner and feel him jump into my arms with a big hug..

Grief visits me often and with great persistence.

It wraps itself around my heart and sometimes seems to squeeze all happiness and purpose out of my soul.

So, it is in the moments when I do things like assemble memory boxes that I find my will to go on..my passion to help others as they walk this very painful and often very lonely road.

I am so thankful for my friends who choose to walk this road with me, many of whom have suffered great loss in their lives as well.

I wanted to share pictures of our first annual Adrienne's Angel Memory Box Assembly Night:

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Looks like a great night! Praise the Lord for your heart for ministry!

God bless!

And say hi to Collette for me!

Blogger Bonita said...


Can you explain these boxes or direct me to a blog post that does so?

They look very interesting.


Hi! Hope all is well with you!
Just wanted to share that more info on the Adrienne's Angel Memory Boxes is in my Wednesday, May 6th, entry.

Love you,


Blogger Rose said...

You put your whole heart into these ministries and it shows. I think it can help to heal but also may be more difficult just because of being so close to so much sadness and loss. Keeping busy and helping others is probably one of the best things you can do to keep a positive outlook and get through these tough days. You have my prayers.

I'm reading a book you might find helpful. It is written by Benedict Groeshel entitled "Arise from Darkness / What to do when Life Doesn't make sense. It is published by Ignatius Press
The book is about all types of losses we face in life.

Blogger Sheena said...

Hi tammy,

just wanted to encourage you with this words....YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS YOU.

It was my devotion for today.God will always come through for you..

Sweet blessings

Sheena Jeremiah

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