Renewing our Minds
This morning as I was reading in Colossians the phrase "alienated from God and enemies in your minds" really made me stop and think.

One of the powerful things about the book A New Earth is that it deals with your mind and thought processes. The author argues that our "ego" fights against us and that once we become aware of this battle we are somehow "enlightened." In some ways, it is easy to buy into this argument, because I think we do fight our inner thoughts a lot in this world.

The problem is this: the enemy is not our ego, it is satan. We are not being alienated from ourselves. We are being alienated from God. We are not enlightened when we become aware of this battle. We are saved when we give this battle over to God through following His steps to salvation that are clearly spelled out in Scripture.

II Corinthians 4 says "outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." Romans 12 says we are "transformed by the renewing of our mind." Titus 3 says that we are saved "through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit."

Yes, we will still face times of doubt, fear, and temptation. The difference is that we will have the Holy Spirit as our Guide.

We will no longer live, but Christ will live in us!

Now that renews my mind for today!


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